Food Services Program

How does the school lunch program work?

Our lunch program is outsourced to Nutrition, Inc. Please direct any questions regarding school lunches to Candy Slingerland, Food Service Director of Nutrition Inc., at 570-638-2183, ext. 315 or

All payments can be made on our new app, schoolcafe at  The app can be downloaded from the Apple App Store or on Google Play. You can also apply for free/reduced lunch using the app.

If sending cash, please place it in an envelope with your child’s name and account number to your child’s homeroom teacher. Checks should be made out to “STSD Cafeteria Fund”.  If using the online system, parents/guardians will be alerted to low balances and can monitor purchases.

Lunch Price: Paid: $2.20 Breakfast Price: Free to all! **Any student who qualifies for reduced lunch will receive free lunch this year.

A-la-carte items cannot be charged.

Because students do not have access to a microwave when in the cafeteria, we ask parents to not pack any food that requires warming or any warmed foods be preheated at home and sent to school in a thermos. If a particular student has a special circumstance, please let us know