Behavior and SocialEmotional Learning

What are the expectations of behavior?

W.L. Miller utilizes School Wide Positive Behavior Support.  Like academic skills, we believe that behavioral expectations must be taught.  Most students meet the expectations easily and others need additional support in order to be successful.  We have three expectations for all students in all settings:  Be Safe, Be Responsible & Be Respectful.  These expectations are taught to every child in each area and practiced the first week of school and repeated as necessary.  Positive behavior is rewarded using Tiger Bucks and through our W.L.M. School Store.  A behavior matrix is attached to this document.

Personal Electronics (cell phones, smart watches, etc.)While we understand and appreciate the need for students to have cell phones for before/after school activities, their use is not allowed in school.  Cell Phones should be turned off and stored in backpacks during the school day. The school is not responsible for lost or stolen electronics.  Cell phones are allowed on transportation. Live video feeds, video, audio, and picture-taking are all prohibited activities with personal devices at all times involving school including buses/vans. Violations may result in disciplinary action.

                             Social Emotional Learning

While we believe having common language and behavioral expectations throughout the school community is important and that rewards have their place, we also know that intrinsic motivation is the key to student success. Classroom Meetings are the format we use to discuss our class norms for how we interact with each other as well as relevant topics as they arise in the classroom community. We recognize that students experience greater academic success when they are an integral part of a supportive community that respects differences. Short lessons are taught in this format.. The core principles of this program include:

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