Employment Resources
Finding a job can be an overwhelming process. A resource for many students is the Department of Labor One-Stop Employment Center. Please click on the link below to access the website. Navigate through the different resources in order to find the appropriate services and/or job opportunities that may fit your interests, needs, and preferences.
The CareerOne Stop App described below is a mobile version of this site. This can be downloaded onto your mobile devices.
CareerOne Stop Mobile App
• Locate the closest American Job Center
• Provides assistance with career planning, training options, and job search
• View local job postings for any city, state, or ZIP code
• View average wages or salaries by occupation and location
• Locate local education and training programs
Suffolk County Department of Labor- Youth Bureau
Town of southampton resources
Broader Horizons: Preparing Our Youth For The Future
Broader Horizons is a paid summer internship program for youth between the ages of 14 and 17 who have little or no job experience. Interns who qualify for the program work twenty hours a week for six weeks in various town departments, community agencies, or local businesses.
Students participate in a fifteen-hour job readiness and basic skills training where they learn financial literacy, job expectations, and employment skills. Job assignments are based on intern’s area of interest and proximity to work sites. Due to a limited number of available positions, admission to the program is competitive and based on maturity, submission date, and town residency.
Town and Civil Service Application and Broader Horizons Application
For more information call 631-702-2421 or email tkolsin@southamptontownny.gov .
Town of Southampton Employment
The Town of Southampton is a Civil Service Employer. For information on current Town jobs available immediately please scroll through the job postings listed below. You can also subscribe to job posting notifications to be automatically alerted of the latest career opportunities by clicking on the Notify Me Button.
For more information on how to obtain employment, locate a list of examinations, or for job opportunities available at the Suffolk County Department of Civil Service you can go to http://www.suffolkcountyny.gov/Departments/civilservice.aspx
Full-time positions include a comprehensive benefits package.
Send Resumes to:
Mail: Town of Southampton - Human Resources
116 Hampton Road
Southampton, NY 11968
Fax: 631-287-5721
E-mail: humanresources@southamptontownny.gov
New York State Department of Civil Service
This website has information on Civil Service jobs, exams and requirements.
The following is the link for Suffolk County specific job opportunities: