Dr Anne Zink reasons to wear mask

Masks now available on-demand -

please allow a few days for sewing.

keep yourself and your community safer
during the pandemic and beyond

cloth face masks- not just for COVID!
add an optional filter to the pocket and better protect yourself from pollen, wildfire smoke, volcanic ash & other air pollutants

pleated masks

paracord mask

neck gaiter mask

ear savers

All masks have an aluminum nose strip (helps the mask fit better to the face and reduces glasses fogging up). This is an upgrade from the nose wire that was previously being used. Customers who directly purchased a mask with a nose wire have been contacted and offered to have their masks retrofitted with the aluminum strip.

Masks also have a pocket for an optional filter. If you need something custom designed to cover a bushy beard or for a specific purpose, contact me at info@soundcraftsalaska.com. Please also talk with me if you don't know what kind of mask is going to work for you. I can guarantee that if you don't like it and it isn't comfortable, you aren't going to want to wear it. Let's find a good solution together. It might be a Sound Crafts Alaska mask, it might not. But, you need to be comfortable!

Materials that can be used as a filter for those times you want extra protection include flattened coffee filters, blue shop towels, paper towels, filter sheets from air purifiers and more. These can increase the filtration of the face covering, not only for pandemic precautions, but also during pollen and wildfire seasons.

Handwashing your mask is recommended to extend the life of your mask. A good way to remember is to take off your mask and wash it when you enter your home and wash your hands.

Note - cloth masks are not intended to replace N-95 filter masks. No guarantee of protection against any disease or pollutants is implied or provided. Please use your own best judgement when choosing when to wear a mask.

More information on cloth masks can be found on the CDC website.

Ear adjuster pop off? It is easy to replace. Click here for instructions.

Pleated style face mask

$10 pleated (2 layer) with ear elastic

This is a good basic mask - easy to quickly put on and take off, adjustable elastic ear loops hold it in place. Aluminum nose strip to adjust to face and pocket for optional filter. Elastic to go around the entire head instead of the ears available upon request - allows mask to easily fit under a hat or helmet.

Paracord style face mask

Paracord masks available at the Prospector in Valdez and Fairbanks!

Paracord style face coverings are great for people who are out on the water or need a casual style mask that is easy to take on and off. This mask uses toggles to adjust in the back.

paracord style face mask

Neck gaiter style face mask

$4 neck gaiter modification

Upgrade your neck gaiter! Bring me your washed neck gaiter and I will add an aluminum nose strip and elastic ear loops so it stays in place, and a filter pocket to make it safer - most gaiters are made from fabric that provide little or no protection against the spread of COVID-19.

This would be a great option for camping, boating, hunting and more. And definitely handy if you're going to be out somewhere and are concerned that wildfire smoke might become a problem.

elastic and covered elastic strap ear savers

Ear Savers

$1.50 elastic strap with buttons (choose from 6.5" and 8" lengths)

$4 covered elastic strap with buttons (choose from 6.5" and 8" lengths)

People who wear cloth face coverings for an extended time may find it more comfortable to use an ear saver - a headband or an elastic strap to go behind the head or neck with buttons to hold the elastic. They are also helpful for people who wear hearing aids.