Visual Perception


Form Constancy

This skill helps a child to realize that a letter or number remains the same no matter what orientation it is.

Visual Discrimination

Good visual discrimination can help a child when writing and reading, visual discrimination allows the child to tell the difference between “p” and “d”. It also helps children when doing a hidden pictures activity in determining differences in objects that may be slightly different.

Figure-Ground Perception

Figure-ground perception can help a child to not lose his/her place when reading or copying from the board. This skill also helps us locate items in a busy background. Finding hidden items in a hidden pictures puzzle would be an example of this. this skill by visually scanning and identifying items within a busy scene. In handwriting, figure ground perception is necessary for locating the place we left off when shifting vision if copying from a board or writing worksheet.

Visual Closure

Visual closure skills are the ability to see part of a picture and know what the picture should be. It also requires visual memory of prevoiusly seen objects or pictures to help keep it locked in the mind and make sense of whats missing. This can help your child to read more fluently and decode words more accurately.

Visual Memory and Visual Sequential Memory

Visual memory and visual sequential memory skills affect how your child does with reading and spelling. It is the ability to use visual information in short term memory. This skill allows us to recall visual information.

VP color_copy_challenge.pdf

Visual Memory

VP Connect_Free.pdf

Figure Ground

VP FInd_and_Color_Letters_of_Your_Name.pdf

Form Constancy

VP Finish_the_Picture_Spring_Freebie.pdf

Visual Closure