First Grade


Week 9/10: Additional OT Learning activity

Week 8: Additional OT Remote Learning Activity

Choose which June activity you would like to do, then print, next trace, write and color

Week 7: Additional OT Remote Learning Activity

Color by Number Ocean...Print the worksheet and gather the 7 crayons you need to color the pattern within the ocean picture

ocean animals writing.pdf

WEEK 6: Additional OT Remote learning writing activity

Click on link and print. Write your favorite ocean animal then draw a picture and write a sentence about why you like that ocean animal.


Week 5: Additional Remote Learning Activity

Click on this link and print. Use different crayons or colored pencils to play the I spy aquarium worksheet. This activity works on visual perception and motor skills!


Week 4: Additional Remote Learning Activity

This activity works on visual perception, visual motor, fine motor and cutting skills. Lets see you put together this shark to match our ocean themed week!

1st grade letter dashes with picture space 3.pdf

First grade paper to print at home with drawing box

1st grade letter dashes.pdf

First grade paper to print at home

Handwriting warm up Cards.pdf