Our classroom is a place of learning and of respect. I expect you and trust you to do your best and to make sure everyone else is doing their best. Please find that trust is important in my classroom and I have you in the highest regard. Trust is given in my classroom immediately but can be lost immediately as well. Make sure to have an open dialogue with me if you have any concerns in regards to your work and if anything else you feel you should share. Please have your parents read the syllabus and complete the 'Parent Online Acknowledgement' document at the bottom. Let's make this an amazing year of learning and of character building.

Thank you,

Mr. Ortega

Our Syllabus

Google Classroom Code Click Here!

Google Classroom - To encourage blended learning, online assignments will be posted weekly through Google Classroom. At least one Google Classroom assignment per week will be graded and entered. Students should be familiar with how to navigate the online platform, communicate with their teacher, and submit assignments on time. If there are technical limitations, please notify the teacher.

Instructor: Mr. Ortega my email is rortega@somersetoaks.com

Class Overview - Students will be able to explain and define marketing terms and how they relate to business. Be able to demonstrate knowledge of Journalism and how important it is to create 


A is 90-100% (3.51 – 4.00)            

B is 80-89% (2.51 – 3.50)    

C is 70-79% (1.51 – 2.50)       

D is 60-69% (1.00 – 1.50)       

F is 0-59% (0.00 – 0.99)

Discipline Consequences

1. Verbal Warning*

2. Parent Call/Email

2. Discipline Discussion 

3. Office Referral

*This may be modified depending on the severity of the case and offense.

Material & Supplies

Each student is encouraged to maintain a notebook for this class. 

Each student should have the following supplies: 

Absences & Late Work

Internet Connection

For all courses, it is imperative to have internet access at home on a regular basis. If there are any problems, please inform me as soon as possible. 

Classroom Procedures


Graded assignments may be given that demand meeting a deadline. If work is not returned by the requested date (or the date of your return from an absence), the grade that would be given for the assignment will drop five points each day the assignment remains outstanding. Deadlines are an everyday occurrence in business and marketing and one characteristic of a professional is being able to respond to such demands.

Classroom Rules

Be Respectful*

Show respect to everyone all the time. 

*This includes your peers, teacher, and any guest(s) that may enter the classroom. 

Be Prepared 

Come to class prepared and ready to learn. Be Proactive Communicate and contribute appropriately for personal growth and professional development. 

Be Accountable 

Learn to follow all school and classroom rules and understand the consequences. 

Be Positive 

Never give up! Develop a mental attitude that is positive and persistent. 

Be Responsible 

Sanitize the work area daily and discard trash in your work area in the trash can and take precautions. Trust is vital for this class. It is important to make sure you follow directions in order to strengthen the trust of the teacher and student.

Leave your work area clean

No food, drink, or gum is allowed in the classroom during instructional time. Only water can be consumed in the classroom.

No food, drink, or gum is allowed in the classroom during instructional time. Only water can be consumed in the classroom.

Grading Scale

All grades will be updated on a weekly basis.  Students and Parents will be expected to log on to the students portal to check their progress and grades. Parents will be notified if the class average falls below 65%. 

The Grading Scale is as follows:

45% Final Assessment

30% Group Projects

15% Activities

10% Participation

Additional information on grades

Journalism Class Fee 

School cash is the tool we use to gather funds in order to create sustainability throughout the school year. Our class is involved in multiple events used to promote Journalism

In order to start the process of raising funds, we will start the process by requesting each student brings in $20 for their Journalism Class. This money will be used for vital materials and to start the process of fundraising in order to compete in several events throughout the year. 

Please find below the link for parents to help support us for the 2022-2023 school year.



I have read and agree to follow all these safety rules in this contract. If I fail to adhere to any of them, I may be asked to leave the lab without an opportunity for make-up and may be punished according to the student code of conduct. I will fully cooperate with my instructor and fellow students to create and maintain a safe lab environment. I am aware that any violation can lead to unsafe lab conditions and can harm others and me.

Parents Connect

Parents let's connect, click above. 

Upload the app for ClassDojo and let's get connected!