
Book Lists

Dear Parents:

Invite your child into a world of adventure, journeys and discovery through the enjoyment of reading books. We encourage your support of literacy and hope that you will engage your child's interest in any of the following books or the thousands of others at your library or

bookstores. These are some suggestions and guidelines that you may find helpful. Reading aloud to your young children is very beneficial. As Joseph Addison said: “Reading is to the mind what exercise is to the body.”

Guidelines for Choosing Books for Children Preschool and Kindergarten Children at this age:

• Are delighted by Mother Goose and rhyming stories and love to hear them over and over. They will begin to recite verses by themselves.

• Enjoy pop-up books and books with flaps to flip which provide opportunities for active participation and storytelling.

• Are stimulated by wordless books which allows them to creativity tell stories and provides them with opportunities for expression and conversation.

Reading List Entering Preschool

Brown Bear, Brown Bear, What Do You See? by Bill Martin and Eric Carle

Carrot Seed (The) by Ruth Krauss

Chicka Chicka Boom Boom by Bill Martin

Dear Zoo by Rod Campbell

Dr. Seuss (series) by Dr. Seuss

Each Peach Pear Plum by Janet and Allan Ahlberg

Freight Train by Donald Crews

Good Dog Carl by Alexander Day

Have You Seen My Duckling? by Nancy Tafuri

Jessie Bear, What Will You Wear? by Nancy Carlstrom

Little Bear by Elsa Minarik

Little Engine That Could (The) by Watty Piper

Make Way For Ducklings by Robert McCloskey

Mother Goose by Tomie dePaola

On Market Street by Arnold Lobel

Rosie’s Walk by Pat Hutchins

Snowy Day (The) by Ezra Jack Keats

Three Little Bears (The) by Paul Galdone

Titch by Pat Hutchins

Wheels On The Bus (The) by Maryann Kovalski

Suggested Authors:

Eric Carle

Donald Crews

Don Freeman

Paul Galdone

Pat Hutchins

Mercer Mayer

Bernard Most,

Robert Munsch

Maurice Sendak

Dr. Seuss

Martin Waddell