Comet Calming Center

Welcome to the Comet Calming Center!

A virtual resource center for mindfulness and stress reduction brought to you by the STOP SC Wellness Team. Click the Home TAB in the upper right hand corner to check out the wonderful collection of videos, links, resources and more!

What is Mindfulness?

According to Jon Kabot-Zinn, MINDFULNESS is paying attention on purpose, in the present moment with curiosity, kindness and non-judgement. Simply put, BE HERE NOW. Mindfulness has been proven to reduce stress and anxiety, improve focus, increase happiness and much more. The best news is Mindfulness is FREE, EASY and ACCESSIBLE to everyone. Take some time to check out all of the free resources this website has to offer for teachers, students and parents!

"Life moves pretty fast, if you don't STOP and look around once in a while, you could miss it." Ferris Bueller


Why we teach Mindfulness-TED

STOP Technique

Under Pressure-Teen Mindfulness

5 Ways to Cope with Stress- Yale

How to Make Stress your Friend-TED

Just Breathe-Mindful Schools