Social Emotional Learning (SEL) Enrichment

Reinforcing SEL Skills

Second Step

Your child receives regular classroom guidance based on the Second Step curriculum. Because of school closure, Second Step is giving permission to schools to share materials until June 30, 2020. Check the grade level teacher sites for HomeLinks so you can help us reinforce SEL language.

Mindfulness Activities

Mind Yeti

I love, love, love this resource. Mind Yeti has given free access to families to watch these videos on mindfulness, relaxation, and belly/deep breathing.

Tune In

This podcast is recommended by Second Step- the curriculum used in classroom guidance for helping students build their social emotional learning (SEL) skills.

Brain Breaks and Movement


Educators- including myself- love using GoNoodle to help kids getting energized or calmed down (based on the video you pick) and ready to learn again.

Cosmic Kids

Of course I have to include a Harry Potter-inspired yoga video! I would recommend any video by Cosmic Kids...not just the Harry Potter themed ones.

Recommended Books and Articles for Coping Skills

Activities to Stay Busy

District Wide Resources for Emotional and Physical Well-Being

School Counselor/School Nurse Enrichment Plan