
Welcome to 8th grade Math!


This year we will cover topics in both Algebra and Geometry. It is essentially a Pre-Algebra Course to prepare students for 9th Grade Algebra. The curriculum is designed to allow students to investigate the rules that govern mathematics. Students will be expected to identify patterns and prove their answers.

Everything that we do will be given a practical application. Students will use Algebra to predict the amount of water wasted by a leak, solve for the slope of the SOF stairs, convert US dollars into foreign currencies, etc. Students will also be introduced to the history of the mathematics we study. We will pay respect to Brahmagupta (India) the inventor of the base-10 number system, al-Khawarizmi (Iraq) the “father of Algebra”, Rene Descartes (France) the inventor of the 4-quadrant graph, and even try to solve the oldest known Algebra problem written by Ahmes (Egypt).

Click HERE for the syllabus

Year at a Glance:

Email Ben: and Kristina: should you have any questions.