The Team


We would like to thank the Albuquerque Chief of Police for responding to our questions and giving us much needed information regarding the time and location of crimes committed in the Albuquerque area.

We would like to thank the Real Time Crime Center in Albuquerque for giving us the information that we needed to complete this project.

We would like to thank Lazo Maximo for evaluating our interim report and providing valuable feedback. Thank you for taking time out of your day to aid our efforts.

Thank you to Tori Finlay, Azza Ezzat, Kurt Lehr, and Sharon Sessions for reading our report and helping us to perfect it.

Thank you to the Supercomputing Challenge organizers and volunteers for all your hard work! Without you, this challenge would not be possible.

Finally, we would like to thank our teacher sponsor Jay Garcia for his coaching and advice throughout the project. Without his guidance, support, and advice, our project would not be where it is now, and neither would we.

Project Resources

About Us

We are a four person team originating from Socorro, New Mexico. This is our second year taking the challenge. The members of our team all had previous experience with computer science, but had never had a chance to apply the knowledge. Elias Zheng put immense effort into researching and developing our problem, and perfecting our solution. Lucas Ward directed his effort to researching crime data, and collecting crime data, including reaching out the the Albuquerque Police Department for the excellent data to verify our model. Rio Sessions worked on developing the algorithm of the model and determining the placement and forecasting of officers. Cody Johnston had a role developing the visual display with the Web Map, and spent the challenge developing a heatmap and marker placement system.