
Our data is from a single source that has been verified by the Albuquerque Police Force and the Real Time Crime Center in Albuquerque [16, 17]. Our source for crime data is, which specializes in providing crime maps to civilians so that they may be informed about the crime rates of certain areas.

The data is put into a tab-delimited file formatted with the place address, the date and time of the issue, and the type of incident, which plays a role in how much "weight" a particular incident was given. During the prediction of crime, the address is converted to points in latitude and longitude using the Google Places API. To ensure that all addresses end up in the correct city, the city and state name is concatenated to the end of the address. The address uses the datetime Python library in order to get the day that an occurrence happened in a year. We do this by adding the number of days in all previous months together (including February 29, if it was a leap year, but omitting it if it wasn't) and then adding the number of days in the current month to it.