
In order to address the high rate of crime in Albuquerque, we have created an interactive crime map which models likely areas of crime and, based on its prediction, suggests where police officers/patrolmen should be placed in order to better ensure the safety of the community as a whole and cut down on response times. Crime rates in Albuquerque have been a major issue for years. Our solution to alleviating this problem involves using a crime map and forecasting to station police officers in the areas in which they are needed most. With this interactive crime map and model, we have a potential solution to decreasing Albuquerque's crime rate and police response times.

We first collect data on crime incidents in Albuquerque, then process this data and use it to fit a trend of crime rate. Based on this existing trend, we make a mathematical prediction of what the crime rate in the future of an area will be. Using this data, we find the areas of highest crime and place an officer in those areas. Finally, this data is exported to our visualization program. The visualization program imports the data and uses the Google Maps API to display the data and officer placement.