Common Sense Media Lessons

By introducing our students to the concepts of digital citizenship as early as possible, we help ensure that these ideas become habit rather than just school requirements. During these early years our students will be guided online and by showing good habits and explaining them, we will help our students internalize good practices.

In the intermediate grades students are starting to move towards learning from their own experiences. If students engage in good practices while becoming more independent, they will make better choices in the future. Our students will be spending more time online independently, and this can be terrifying for teachers. If we act preemptively and provide students with good habits, we will not need to be afraid of their choices online.

The middle grades have students making practices into habits. If students engage in good practices while becoming more independent, they will make better choices in the future. Our students will be spending more time online independently, and this can be terrifying for teachers. If we act preemptively and provide students with good habits, we will not need to be afraid of their choices online.

Students don't always realize the permanence of their actions online. In high school as students are given freedom online, it become even more important to help them understand the consequences of possible actions. Everyone has heard the story of a young adult ranting online and thought about the that impact on their life. Within the last year we have seen people lose their jobs and options due to actions they have taken that have been filmed by themselves or others. As teachers, it is important that we help our students understand the risks they face in a digital world. It is also a good opportunity to teach our students the benefits of living in a connected world where we can impact lives for the better as well.