
8:15-10:15 Language Arts Block (Parent Volunteers!)

10:15-11:00 Recess, then lunch (20 mins)

11:00-12:20 Math

12:20-1:00 PE class on Mondays/Thursday(Alt Wed)--Music Class on Mondays and Thursdays Art: Thursday 11:50-12:30

1:00-1:20 Snack and Recess

1:20-2:00 Writing

2:00-2:30 Innovation & Engineering

2:40 Dismissal (KOC or front of school)

•Monday 11:00-11:30 Library Visit

Early Release Day is EVERY WEDNESDAY (8:15-1:40)

PE : Monday/Wed/Thursday 12:20-1:00 *Alt Wednesday; First PE Wednesday 8/23

PLEASE make sure your child brings comfortable clothes and shoes on PE days. I highly recommend that students bring a bottle of water with their name on it.

Our LIBRARY is on Monday from 9:35 - 10:05. Our first Library day is August 28th.

MUSIC is every Tuesday and Friday from 12:30-1:00

ART is every other Monday from 11:30-12:15.