Resume Builder

A resume is an important tool for your job search, a one page professional document, where you can display your relevant skills and qualities for a job. Resumes help employers make hiring decisions and help you get your first interview (, 2023).

Career Edge

Mission Hills Edge is an online resource. Create an account by clicking

You will be able to visit the Resume Builder and walk through the steps of a resume.

Visit webpage


Indeed Inc. is an online job searching website. They have a free resume builder available to you!

Drop down where it says
"Resume Builder" at the top-right of
the page, and it has options for:
(1) resume templates (2) resume samples (3) upload your resume
(or) build your free resume right away.

Visit webpage

Google Docs

Access your Google Docs homepage.
At the top-right click "Template Gallery".
Go to General and scroll down to
resume templates.
You got this!

Visit webpage 

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