Let's make a salt dough Echidna.

Go to the 8.45 minute mark of the above video and listen to the indigenous story about Kootear the Echidna, (to 13.00) then watch the instruction video below.

Movie on 8-8-21 at 1.59 pm.mov

If you are unable to make the salt dough, make your own echidna by painting, drawing or trying some of the other ideas listed below.

Matchstick and paper Echidna

Paper strip Echidna

Leaf Echidna

Play Dough Echidna

Painted Echidna

Paper Plate and Leaf Echidna

Handprint Echidnas

Hand Echidnas

I would love to see your beautiful art work, so please email a photo to swilson@smmooroopna.catholic.edu.au