
Welcome to the Smithdon High School English Department.

English is that magical and practical subject which enables students to effectively communicate with the world around them. Students acquire, apply and develop their knowledge, building on what they already know. With enquiring minds, students passionately express themselves with confidence through speaking, reading and writing. Our English curriculum encourages students to participate fully as citizens in society.

English teachers at Smithdon High School are passionate about teaching English. Because we value the role language and literature plays in the world, we endeavour to make English accessible and enjoyable for our students. Our students learn resilience, compassion and empathy because in addition to reading, writing and oracy, that is what we teach. Our students learn from mistakes and we strive for excellence. We promote discussion and debate to break boundaries and stereotypes. Our purpose is to ensure that when students leave Smithdon High School, they are competent readers, writers and thinkers who communicate articulately.