Accelerated Reader

At Smithdon High School, we value reading. This includes choosing books for pleasure.

All students in Years 7 and 8 participate in the Accelerated Reader programme. After completing a baseline reading test (STAR Reading), students receive a 'ZPD' range (zone of proximal development). Most of the nearly 9,000 books we boast in our library have an orange sticky label on the spine with a number. Students then select a text that both interests them and falls within their reading range, using the numbers on the spine of the book as a guide. Once they have read the book, students can demonstrate their reading prowess by completing an Accelerated Reader quiz on their book.

Students complete STAR testing three to four times an academic year, so that we can celebrate their growth.

We reward reading in many ways: through class and individual competitions, reading growth and the ultimate challenge - becoming a WORD MILLIONAIRE.

We are often asked, 'How can I support my child with reading?' We endorse the following tips from the Education Endowment Fund below:
