
Welcome to the Smith Precious Plastics Team!

The first step should be to familiarize yourself with what precious plastic is and its history. Click around the website to see our resources.

Our Smith College team works with other groups like Fimble Lab at Mount Holyoke, the UMass Makerspace, the Fab Lab, and the Hive to create the Connecticut River Valley Precious Plastics Team

The next thing to familiarize yourself with is our SCRUM page (we use Notion) and Slack channel. This is how we do ALL of our communication as a team and is how we keep ourselves organized. You’ll notice on the SCRUM page that we have two teams within the project, the community engagement team and our fabrication team. We have these teams because everyone has different interests and we found this to be the most productive way for everyone to work and communicate. Whichever team is most interesting to you would love to have you. We also have space for you to start your own project within the team!

The final thing to really look through is the READ ME document in the google drive. This document does a really good job at explaining where everything is and why we do what we do. It can be a little overwhelming at first but take your time.

Finally, check out our Instagram page