
Our team is composed of passionate maker communities from around the Connecticut River Valley. We design to create products and learning experiences that help people unlock their creative potential and apply it to the world

Our Members

Brick Coworkshop

Brick is a shared work environment for artists, fabricators, engineers, and designers. Brick works individually, collaboratively, and for the community in a variety of disciplines and mediums. The space is home to small businesses as well as individual artists.

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Fimble Lab

Precious Plastic MHC is an action-oriented club that aims to create a closed-loop, sustainable and joyful way of recycling plastic within the Mount Holyoke campus, and to offer an interdisciplinary project, aligning with the liberal arts education at MHC.

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The Hive

The Hive Makerspace is a startup community workshop. Their mission is to provide access to tools, empower individuals in their use, engage in collective action, share skills, bolster community resilience, learn collaboratively, and play. 

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UMass Makerspace

The UMass interdisciplinary makerspace provides access to space, tools, equipment, training, helps connect individuals, and facilitates mentorship and sharing of knowledge.

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