
Upcoming Events

Aerosmith: Smith College’s Aerospace Club, a SEDs Chapter, is hosting a Women & Gender Minorities in Space Aerosmith: Smith College’s Aerospace Club, a SEDs Chapter, is hosting a Gender Minorities in Aerospace Symposium Saturday, February 27th 2021. This symposium is intended to connect different women and gender minorities interested in pursuing a career in aerospace and aeronautics with each other and career opportunities. This event is open to Smith College, the Five College’s, women’s college’s, and small liberal arts school’s students.

Past Events

I hope to see you there!

This event is a converstation with Virgin Galactic future astronauts Ron Rosano and Sally Krusing and Powers, the lead avionics techincian for the Spaceship Company(Virgin Galactic's manufacturing partner). There will be an oppertunity to ask questions about the speaker's job and virgin galactic. Here is a video introducing Virgin Galactic and here is a link to their website so you can learn more. Please put questions here.

I hope to see you there!

Event Link

Meeting ID 959 8039 3705

Password 832763