Facility Planning Overview
Overview of the Process
Beginning in January 2020, the district organized a facility planning committee to develop a long-range master plan that best serves the Stow-Munroe Falls community. The committee included a cross section of over 40 city officials, community members, parents, district staff and school administrators.
Over the past several years, this group has gathered to evaluate the existing buildings, improvement costs, site viability, educational adequacy, and new construction models to drive the creation of a district-wide master plan. Committee members were able to tour each building and hear directly from staff about the successes and challenges of learning and working in these buildings.
To further inform planning discussions and understand community sentiments around shaping the future school buildings, a community-wide survey was conducted in January 2022. The survey showed that the community was highly supportive of repairing, renovating and rebuilding the facilities.
The facility committee participated in a series of small group discussions to explore various master plan options. Addressing the large volume of buildings in the district and aging elementary schools was highlighted as a priority along with the importance of preserving neighborhood schools. The consolidation of schools was desired to achieve cost and operational efficiencies, such as with transportation and maintenance. An additional benefit of the PK-5 grade configuration was to allow for shared resources and collaboration among staff and less building transitions throughout students’ educational journey.