Building Our Bulldog Future
In January 2020, Stow-Munroe Falls City Schools embarked on a master planning project to address their facility needs across the district. Since they currently operate out of 9 aging buildings, the district sought to understand how their facilities could be managed to improve student's learning environment and achieve operational efficiencies in maintenance and transportation. Using a facilities committee, the district has spent several years studying the conditions of their schools and developing plans that will satisfy their needs moving forward.
News & Events:
View the Town Hall Series: Master Facilities Planning from October 2, 2024 by clicking the video link above.

Planning for Our Future: A Look at Stow-Munroe Falls' Facility Plans
Based on feedback from the facilities committee and the community, the following plan was decided on:
Four new K-5 Elementary Schools, approximately 85,000 SF, with one building including a dedicated PreKindergarten space.
A new 6-8 Middle School, 160,600 SF, to serve 1,197 students with an attached auditorium, general stadium improvements, and a new baseball field on the Highland/Lakeview Elementary School site.
The abatement and demolition of the existing K-8 schools, except Woodland Elementary School.
The consolidation to 4 elementary schools ensures a “smaller school feel” that most residents prefer while strategically locating them throughout the Stow-Munroe Falls communities.
Planning for Our Future: A Look at Stow-Munroe Falls' Facility Plans
During the month of January, the Stow-Munroe Falls City School District held two large community meetings and presented a series of proposed plans to update their aging school facilities. Developed by a building facilities committee over the course of several years, the district wanted to gather feedback from the community on their preference of master plan, school location and any additional locally funded initiatives included in the buildings.
These facility plans are aimed at addressing the district’s small and aging elementary and middle schools, while developing a secure, modern and technologically rich learning environment for students in the district.
Take a moment to look at the community presentation!

As a part of the strategic plan for the district, Mission #4 is aimed at addressing the board and community input to address the status of our district’s facilities in order to discuss options moving forward with the Master Planning Committee.
To support future growth in the community, new students, and the changing world.
To explore the best possible environments for students to learn, continuing our tradition of excellence.
To develop a strategy around district facility plans and ensure the most efficient use of taxpayer dollars.
Partner with our community to develop a solution that allows everyone to participate and benefit from the solution.