Testimonials / References

“Loudoun County Public School’s Athletic Training Program had the fortunate opportunity to host SMEM’s Emergency & Trauma Management Seminar.  Darryl Conway and Ed Strapp’s expertise and experience in emergency management provided our ATs with an invaluable education and hands-on training.  What we enjoyed most about the seminar was the ability for our ATs to collaboratively train with some of our team physicians and local EMS personnel during the scenario-based, emergency practical simulation exercises.  If your organization has the ability to host this seminar, we highly recommend that you take advantage of the opportunity.  You won’t be disappointed.”

Paul Peterson, MS, ATC  (Woodgrove HS;  Purcellville, VA)

Program References :


I hope you’ve both been well. I can’t believe it’s already been a year since we had you out here!


I wanted to send along a quick thank you and update on what we’ve been able to move the needle on over the past year. We’ve implemented standardized “heat kits” and sideline bags, including adding supplemental oxygen as one of our “standard items”. These are now available at all our covered events versus hit or miss based on location/sport. We were able to get EMS to come out to fully walk through all our venues and secure funding to expand the events we have EMS on site for (previously it was just football and rugby). We’re still in conversations on airways and continuing to work to the full scope of practice, but I am thankful for any progress we can make here. I’m not sure we’d have been able to make such a push with our docs without your support and time with our group.


Thanks again for everything!

(Kelly Sherman, MS, ATC-  Athletic Trainer- Princeton University)

Another Happy Client!

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