Poster Presentations

Information & Schedule

You can view images or PDF versions of the PsycSMP posters on the respective student presenter's sub-page.

Each presenter will be available live via Blackboard Collaborate to discuss their poster on April 27, 2021 for 30 minutes. See the schedule below for details.

Please join presentations with audio turned off and use the chat feature to ask questions. You may find it useful to open the presenter's Psychology SMP Portal Google Site Sub-page in a separate window from the one in which you have the Blackboard Collaborate window/session open (e.g., or simply use the view controls within Blackboard Collaborate to zoom-in on the shared JPG or PDF. That way you can hear/see the poster elevator-talk and be able to look at the poster text most clearly. At the conclusion of the planned remarks in a poster presentation, the student will respond to questions from the chat window in the order they appeared. Then another round of the poster talk will start again until the period of time is over. So, if you pop in mid-way just stick around until the next round.

*Time permitting, you can use the "raise hand" icon and then ask questions with an un-muted microphone if/when the presenter indicates it is allowed and calls on you.

SP21 PsycSMP Poster Presentations