Viewing Psychology SMPs

The Psychology Department's St. Mary's Projects (SMP) for Spring 2021 will be presented digitally as a result of the pandemic requirements put in place by the State of Maryland to limit the spread of COVID-19. We will be collecting and presenting our SMP posters and oral presentations through this website. Its contents are best viewed on a computer.

To view students' posters (available on April 26, 2021) or slideshow videos (available the day after they present) asynchronously, just click on the pages for Posters and Oral Presentations and then student's respective sub-pages (also linked below).

Rules for Attending Live Sessions:

    • For Oral and Poster Presentations: If you are not the presenter or mentor, begin with your microphone muted*. When you enter the room, please verify that your microphone is muted. It should be by default. To check, put the mouse in the Blackboard Collaborate window and look at the microphone icon. If there is a slash through it and lines of the image are not colored, the microphone is muted. If the icon is green, please click on the microphone image to mute your microphone.

    • For Oral Presentations: If you have a question, type the question in the "chat" feature with an audience of "everyone". If you put your mouse in the Blackboard Collaborate session window, you should see a purple tab to the bottom right. Click on that and a horizontal panel of icons at the bottom right of the screen. Click on the speech bubble "Chat" icon, then type in your question. Be sure the drop-down audience menu in the chat window says "everyone". At the conclusion of the planned remarks in an oral presentation, the faculty mentor will begin asking questions of the student from the chat window in the order they appeared. *Time permitting, you can use the "raise hand" icon and then ask questions with an un-muted microphone if/when the presenter indicates it is allowed and calls on you.

    • For Poster Presentations: You may find it useful to open the presenter's Psychology SMP Portal Google Site Sub-page in a separate window from the one in which you have the Blackboard Collaborate window/session open (e.g., or simply use the view controls within Blackboard Collaborate to zoom-in on the shared JPG or PDF. That way you can hear/see the poster elevator talk and be able to look at the poster most clearly. At the conclusion of the planned remarks in a poster presentation, the student will respond to questions from the chat window in the order they appeared. *Time permitting, you can use the "raise hand" icon and then ask questions with an un-muted microphone if/when the presenter indicates it is allowed and calls on you.

Click the purple button in the bottom right-hand corner to find the chat

Audio/Video/Raise Hand

View Controls to Zoom-in

Schedule of Presentations

SP21 PsycSMP Presentations

Note: Poster presenters will be available for their full 30-minute block to give an "elevator talk" of their project to whomever pops in to the session during the block and will answer questions as prompted. Oral presentations will last 20-minutes followed by Q&A.

All works are copyrighted by their respective authors.