For PsycSMPs: Frequently Asked Questions

How will I submit my final SMP files to the Registrar and complete the two SMP exit surveys?

To submit your SMP to the Registrar this semester (which should be done on April 23 but no later than May 4), use this Google Form . This form will prompt you with a few questions and how to upload your project. If you are not able to upload your project, please let Nick Tulley ( know. He will try to work out another way to get your project submitted. Please submit your SMP in the following format: coursenumberIDnumber (ANTH493123456). This allows us to be able to identify this file to you.

After you submit the form, you will get a message that has a link to a SMP survey. Please take a couple of minutes to fill out that survey.

The Department of Psychology has its own End-of-Project Survey for PsycSMP Students, which you can access here and should complete sometime between when you present and May 4.

If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact Nick Tulley or Angie Draheim. Also, if you run into any errors submitting your SMP to the Registrar, please let Nick or Angie know as soon as possible so they can correct the issue.

How will I satisfy the requirement of publicly presenting my SMP?

  • The Department of Psychology will be conducting poster presentations and oral presentations online via Blackboard Collaborate (using Google Chrome or Firefox) with all virtual course rooms set up by Angie Draheim. Consult with your mentor about whether your presentation should take the form of a poster or oral presentation. Also keep an eye out for an email from Angie Draheim in the vicinity of April 5, 2021 regarding your timeslot.

  • Student presenters must access their respective virtual course room via the Virtual Meetings link on the PsycSMP Blackboard Site (not the web link for guests) in order enable the student to share their slide shows (PPT or Google Slides) or posters (PDF or JPG) directly from their computers at the designated time. Mentors should also access SMP presentations from within the Blackboard course.

For oral presentations

You will present at a specified time on Monday, April 26, 2021. You should plan on speaking for 20 minutes and having 5 minutes for Q&A.

For poster presentations

You will present at a specified time (30-minute block) on Tuesday, April 27, 2021. Student presenters must access their respective virtual course room via the Virtual Meetings link on the PsycSMP Blackboard Site (not the web link for guests) to enable the student to share the poster image/file directly from their computers. Mentors should also access SMP presentations from within the Blackboard course. We may record some of these presentations live; the video files will be added to the site at a later date. The videos will not be made public unless we have both you and your faculty mentor's permission to make it so.

  • Remember to view the poster guidelines and use one of our poster templates.

  • Angie Draheim is available to help review your poster April 13-16 & 19-22.

      • By April 12, all poster presenters should use Angie's Online Appointment Scheduler (you may need to advance to the week of April 11) to schedule a Zoom Poster Review meeting to discuss poster layout and aesthetics. At the time of the scheduled meeting your PPT or Google Slides file should be completed (and shared with Angie during the meeting or emailed to her beforehand) as if you were printing/posting live that day.

      • There are more times available than there are people presenting (and need reviewing) so everyone will definitely be accommodated but you should act fast to get the slots you want! If absolutely none of the times listed work for you, please let Angie know and she will see what she can do.

      • Please be prepared to keep your appointments!

    • By Sunday, April 25 at 9:00 am you MUST submit the final digital copy of your poster in three different formats (PDF, JPG, and PPT) via the PsycSMP Poster Submission Form. On presentation day, you will present from your own computer and control the display of your poster from your own copy of the files. You may choose to share screen of the PDF or JPG file with audience members in your session, you'll just need to direct participants to use zoom controls to enlarge text or to view the image of your poster on the SP21 PsycSMP Portal Google site. The submitted file will serve as your final copy for display on your individual page on the PsycSMP Portal Google site and departmental records (so make sure you really proofread it and submit the version you want people to read).

    • Please look carefully at your JPG before uploading it. Sometimes JPGs created from PPTs can look blurry, especially figures and photos. This is usually resolved by creating the JPG from the PDF file.

    • It may be helpful if you tell folks who you invite via direct message to please open your individual Google Portal Page in separate window from the one they have the Blackboard Collaborate session open in (e.g., send YOUR subpage's URL, That way they can hear your spiel and look at the poster most clearly, and then return to the Blackboard Collaborate window to ask questions via chat or the raise hand feature. If you send it in chat, apparently new people who come in after it's posted can't see it. Really, they shouldn't find this 100% necessary to do. The instructions are listed on the primary page for posters as a reminder though.

    • Presenters are required to enter their individual virtual course rooms at least 8 minutes prior to their scheduled timeslot to allow for setting up their screen for application (PPT oral presentations) or PDF/JPG file sharing (poster presentations). You will have access to get in up to 60 minutes ahead of time if you so desire.

For all student presenters:

Talks will feel much like a talk at the front of a room. Attendees will be able to see you and your slides or image file at the same time. As such, please dress appropriately. You can get away with bare feet this year, but please no spaghetti straps or tank tops, hoodies, pajamas, or shirts with inappropriate text or graphics. Also, be mindful of your background.

      • How do I handle questions?

        • At the conclusion of the planned remarks in an oral presentation, the faculty mentor will begin asking questions of the student from the chat window in the order they appeared.

        • At the conclusion of the planned remarks in a poster presentation, the student will respond to questions from the chat window in the order they appeared. Then another round of the poster talk may start again until the period of time is over.

        • Time permitting in both formats, audience members may use the "raise hand" icon and then ask questions with an un-muted microphone if/when you (the student presenter) indicates it is allowed and calls on them.

    • Attend the presentations of your peers!

    • Sharing your screen: Here are some images to help you navigate. In the bottom right hand of the screen, click the purple tab to open the Blackboard Collaborate Panel. Then share the application (oral presentations: PPT or Google Slides; posters: JPG or PDF. If you need assistance in learning how to share your screen, check out this info.

    • There are two Presentation Test Rooms set up that you can currently access via the Virtual Meetings link on the PsycSMP Blackboard Site to test out sharing features within Blackboard Collaborate. It would be a good idea to do a practice run with your mentor using this platform by April 23, 2021. More instructions for preparing your computer to access live sessions Blackboard Collaborate (via Google Chrome or Firefox) can be found here.

    • We may record some presentations live; the video files will be added to the site at a later date. The videos will not be made public unless we have both you and your faculty mentor's permission to make it so.

Share Content/Screen Recommendations:

    • For oral presentations, use "Share Application Window" to share PPT or Google slides.

    • For posters, use "Share Files" to share JPG or PDF (and use zoom-in features)

How do I share news about my presentation with friends and family?

You can certainly share the link with your family and friends, making your presentation "public". However, we would like to try and avoid any virtual session "bombing" as best we can. You may send word of your presentation by sharing your individual PsycSMP Portal page or the schedule page as both contain the guest access link for your specific session but do so via private message. Do NOT post the link to social media. It is important to explain that audience members should remain muted during the oral presentations and follow the protocol for asking questions as it is listed on the "Viewing Psychology SMPs" page.

What about viewing SMP presentations from other departments or programs?

The Department of Psychology cannot comment on what other campus departments or programs plan to do about their SMP presentations. Check InsideSMCM for notifications about SMP presentations in other departments.