My Pathways

What do I need to graduate?


Apprenticeship is a post-secondary pathway that combines on-the-job training, work experience and technical training that leads to certification in over 150 trades.

Check out Ontario Youth Apprenticeship Program or College of Trades for more information about apprenticeship opportunities.


There are 27 colleges in Ontario, located throughout the province. Colleges offer a variety of diploma, certificate and applied degree programs. The basic admission requirement for postsecondary programs in the Ontario College system is one of the following:

Ontario colleges offer more than 2,400 program choices in almost 600 subject areas. Programs are career-oriented and geared toward marketable skills. Find out about programs, arrange a campus tour or talk to college staff who can answer your specific questions.

Visit Ontario Colleges for more information and college specific requirements.

Community LIving

Transition planning is about looking ahead to the future and preparing for adulthood. It is a partnership involving student, parent, teachers, friends, community and adult service providers, and any other individual with a vested interest in your child. Consideration must be given to such things as:

Visit Developmental Services Ontario for information. 


To attend university, students must attain their Ontario Secondary School Diploma and 6 of their grade 12 courses must be at the University or University/College Level. There are 21 universities in Ontario, offering professional programs in a variety of fields. Universities offer three and four year undergraduate degrees. Professional programs such as dentistry, medicine, engineering and education are offered at several Ontario universities.

Click on this link for more information.


The goal of all students is to find employment that is fulfilling and of service to society. There are many ways to get to the world of work and one of the ways is through an entry-level job. Students will find information regarding the availability of entry-level jobs in their guidance department at high school. A number of organizations exist in Durham Region that help assist students to find employment after high school. An important organization is Employment Ontario.

Visit Employment Canada for specific information about programs.