Tributes to Brian

We reached out to some current staff, clergy and retirees to find out what they had to say about Brian as he approaches retirement. We have intentionally not included the names of the people who offered the thoughts below because we felt their thoughts very much represent the sentiments that we all hold.

I think of Micah 6:8 when I think of Brian: "to act justly, to love mercy and to walk humbly with your God." He puts his faith and trust in our staff. He inspires and supports others to work with him, not for him. He has an unbelievable gift of truly listening and processing things and then takes that information and puts it together in such a meaningful way.

"Brian draws on people's gifts, he sees things in others that they themselves may not see; he inspires, encourages, and supports beyond measure."

"I consider Brian to be a pilgrim companion - it really captures his style of leadership. He is the kind of person who walks humbly alongside each of us and with his God. Brian has indeed, worked passionately and tirelessly for justice, touched our lives with his kindness, and walked humbly with God."

"While Brian is very much a visionary, I also appreciated his practical leadership. There was so much wisdom in how he guided people, departments, and principals to work together and learn from one another for the betterment of student learning. No matter what your role, he always reminded us that “we do what we do for the children.” Brian always had an overarching vision, but he was able to relate that vision in concrete ways through his daily decisions."

"Brian has a limitless supply of energy and always puts Catholic values at the forefront of everything he does. The longer I've been associated with this board, the more I've noticed how truly fortunate we are to have Brian as our Director of Education. He brings his faith into every decision he undertakes and I am always amazed at how compassionate and understanding he is with everyone he encounters, even in very difficult situations."