Israel Pilgrimage

A pilgrimage of faith to the Holy Land- March 2018 and March 2019 for students, staff and community members.

In December 2016, a meeting with Brian Beal would be the impetus of what today we call the “Israel experience.” But more importantly, our bond as educators and friends were forged that day as we mapped out how a travel experience in Israel could be a legacy to people of faith across our Board. Suffice it to say, what has happened is the result of a village of stakeholders and several key leaders from the Simcoe Muskoka Catholic District School Board working together. Brian’s footprint over the whole journey cannot be overstated; without him, this amazing opportunity to witness to our faith and encounter Jesus in a meaningful way, would not have become a reality.

Israel truly is the Holy Land. From its Mediterranean shores, through to the gushing of the Jordan river in the north and sprawling over the hills in the east and falling past the Dead Sea and the expanse of desert in the south - this land is abundant with faith narratives. You cannot have a conversation of any merit without facing the realities of thousands of years of spiritual discourse. Abraham’s legacy is richest here and anyone who has been cannot avoid this reality. It’s in the stones and in the water that washed over us as pilgrims in 2018 as we renewed our vows (and for one of our pilgrims, was the site of her baptism).

So, Brian is known as a dedicated man of faith, leader of the Simcoe Muskoka Catholic District School Board, progenitor of our Board’s Mission Trip programs, our Holy Land Pilgrimage experience, and countless other great systemic programs … but, most of all, as a mentor and a friend.