
Below are some testimonials from students at the Simcoe Muskoka Catholic District School Board on their mission program experience. Thanks to Mr. Beal’s vision, participants have been forever impacted.

“We have so much to learn from one another - and while the world seems so vast, the mission experience teaches us that we are indeed part of one human family. It is also wonderful to see the fulfillment of Catholic education in the actions and attitudes of our staff and students.”

“I saw first-hand that we can be the change that we want in the world.”

“This experience showed me what true love, joy, and selflessness looks like. I learned that family and community are what truly matters. I came back with a greater appreciation for my family and friends, and a much more open mind.”

“This experience was life changing and I will never forget it.”

“I got to experience Kenya with an open mind, and learn about their culture, history, and community that took us in and made everybody feel so at home and part of their family. Now, I look at life through a different lens and live life to the fullest with nothing holding me back.”

“Going to Kenya changed my life. It taught me that happiness could be found anywhere and in anything, not just in material wealth.”

“It’s not what you have, but who you have and how you share it.”

“The word "happiness" became completely redefined.”

“I might not be able to go to Kenya all the time but that doesn’t mean that I can’t be doing something in my own community.”

“I have become a changed person who does not wait for change to happen but encourages it.”

“I feel as though I have more confidence in my ability to overcome challenges. I have gained a wider perspective of our world and I feel like I am seeing it through new eyes. I have a new found desire to take these values and apply them to my life. I believe this experience has instilled in me a sense of calm and given me the courage to live in the moment.”

“The many lessons, I believe, will come out as I carry on with my new life in the decisions I make.”

“I have become more aware of God’s presence in my day to day life.”

“This experience allowed me to see the world through a whole new lens.”

“This experience was meaningful in that it helped me to realize the importance of hope and that even the smallest of acts can make huge differences in the lives of others and ourselves.”

“I am a better person and an advocate for the poor since arriving home.”

“It was through this experience that I found peace.”