Is what I am feeling normal?

Checking in...

These questions can help you decide whether to ask for help.

  • Is how I’m thinking, feeling, or acting different for me? A change from how I used to be?

  • Are my thoughts, emotions or actions affecting my everyday life negatively?

  • Have I been feeling this way for some time, like more than a couple of weeks?

  • Am I dealing with my problems in unhealthy ways?

  • Am I carrying too much by myself?

If you or your friend answered mostly yes to these questions, it is probably time to connect with an adult who can help.

Reaching out can prevent problems from getting worse.

Think you need to reach out but aren't sure where to go or what to say? Click here :)

School Mental Health Ontario

Below are a few videos and graphics to help you learn about common mental health topics!

“You don’t have to be perfect to be amazing” (Anonymous)