Mrs D Takagawa math 6

Hello Parents or Guardians,

<<<<<New 4/16>>>>>

These are very extraordinary times. I will attempt to bring math learning into the homes of my students the best that I can. Grading for the quarter will be PASS / incomplete. This means your children need to be making an effort to get the work completed. Asking questions about the work indicates you are making a good effort. There will be tons of mini quizzes to allow me to know if I need to apply review material.

We are working in module 4 Expressions and equations. We are working with variables, expressions and math properties. Students should have homework to work on every Monday. The homework is due on Friday. Tuesday after school from 3:00 to 4:00 pm will be for tutoring and quiz retakes.

Homework will be on the module 4 page.

Whether you think you can or you can't, you are right...


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