Instructional Design

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How would you design an instructional unit from a systems and ST perspective? 

Suggested workflow for articulating instruction and assessment that leverage systems thinking:

  Identify the biological function you want your students to learn about (this is essentially your focal topic, framed as something biological systems "do") - expand for  an example 


"Cells use the information encoded in their genes (made of DNA) to produce molecules of mRNA and proteins" 

  What would you like students to know and be able to do, regarding the function(s) you articulated?  Identify one or more science practices or competencies and systems thinking skills (abbreviated lists are linked below) that support reasoning about this function  - expand for an example.


Say that the target biological function you are teaching is gene expression as information flow at the cellular level (cells use information encoded in genes to produce mRNA molecules and proteins). 

Here are some examples of how BST can support reasoning about how a cell accomplishes that function: 

> Science Practices (NGSS)

Practices of science identified in the NRC Framework (2012):1. Asking questions (for science)2. Developing and using models3. Planning and carrying out investigations4. Analyzing and interpreting data5. Using mathematics and computational thinking6. Constructing explanations (for science)7. Engaging in argument from evidence8. Obtaining, evaluating, and communicating information________Direct links to reference:

> Biology competencies (V&C)

Core competencies of biology identified in the Vision and Change report (2011):1. Ability to apply the process of science2. Ability to use quantitative reasoning3. Ability to use modeling and simulation4. Ability to  tap into the interdisciplinary nature of science5. Ability to communicate and collaborate with other disciplines6. Ability to understand the relationship between  science and society________Direct links to references:
  • Vision and Change Report (2011)
  • BioSkills

> BST skills (shorthand)

Level 1: Describing the system

1a. Identify system components and boundaries

1b. Identify relationships among components

1c. Organize components & relationships to explain a system’s function

Level 2: Analyzing relationships 

2a. Characterize relationships qualitatively

2b. Reason about quantitative properties

2c. Predict & explain direct effects

Level 3: Analyzing the system as a whole

3a. Predict & explain indirect effects

3b. Explain emergent phenomena

3c. Predict & explain consequences of system perturbations

Level 4: Reasoning about multiple systems

4a. Recognize & infer patterns across systems

4b. Predict & explain how systems interact at the same level

4c. Predict & explain how systems interact across levels

________Direct links to references:

Note: When you merge target concepts of biology, framed as functions,  and skills (steps 1 and 2, above), you have standards: statements that describe the knowledge and skills learners should demonstrate. Standards guide curriculum, instruction, and assessment. K-12 science education is guided by the Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS), while at the college level standards are not specified and instructors generate their own. 


Biological function: "Cells use information encoded in genes to produce mRNA molecules and proteins".

Target science competencies: model-building and articulating explanations.

ST skills: [BST-1c] Organize components and relationships to explain a system’s function.

Biological function + Skills = Standard: "Students will construct conceptual models that explain how information stored in genes is used in cells to produce proteins"

Develop instruction activities and assessments: 

a. authentic case studies and examples of biological systems anchor activities, contextualize learning, and capture student interest;

b. low-stakes problems and question sets that provide opportunities for practice and promote learning (formative assessments) become the backbone of class activities and out-of-class assignments;

c. summative assessments (exam questions) should be closely aligned with the problems students practiced in the course of instruction. 

- expand for an example


Need ideas for identifying biological systems and case studies that can serve as context for a unit of instruction or an assessment? 

Click here for links to resources:

Follow the link for a deeper look at the structure of BST-aligned assessment