
Andy Harper, Ph.D. | andy.harper@slu.edu

Ted Ibur, M.A. | edward.ibur@slu.edu

Sheri McCord, Ph.D. | sheri.l.mccord@slu.edu or  Zoom

Announcements! (Last updated 6/25/2024)

1818 Summer Connection Conference & English PD - Tuesday, July 30, 2024 (website and more info coming soon!)

Department of English - Fall/Spring 2024-2025 Course Catalog

Questions about this site? Email sheri.l.mccord@slu.edu or set up a time to talk over Zoom or phone.

ENGL 1500: The Process of Composition

Syllabus & Course Planning

ENGL 1500 Syllabus Template 

Revised Curriculum Outline - ENGL 1500 - SLU Writing Program - Fall 2023

ENGL 1500 Sample Syllabus - Dr. Emily Phillips (SLU Faculty)-Fall 2023 

1500 Sample Course Schedule

Major Assignments

Claims Analysis Assignment

Critical Literacy Narrative Assignment (Required Common Assignment)

Response Letter Assignment

Short Writing Assignments (SWAs)

SWA #1 - Personal Literacy Analysis

SWA #2 - Connecting to Rose

SWA #3 - The Importance of Education

SWA #4 - Reflecting on Myths

In-Class Activities

Peer Review Assignment Sheet for Literacy Narrative 

Reclaiming the Classroom - David Willie

Politics of Remediation Group Analysis

Making Connections: MacFarland, Rose, & Harold 

Lives on the Boundary, Stories as Argument

Crossing Boundaries - In-Class Assignment

Balland - Brandt Discussion

Group work exercise with Brandt and Scribner 

Preparing for the Critical Literacy Narrative 

Mike Rose, Chapters from Lives on the Boundary 


The Politics of Remediation

Our Schools

Literate Stirrings

I Just Wanna

Crossing Boundaries


Student Essays

Gloriod - Student Model - Claims Analysis

Laws - Student Model - Claims Analysis

Belarde - Student Model - Critical Literacy Narrative

Leingang - Student Model - Critical Literacy Narrative

Society’s Prejudices about the Academic Abilities of the Underprivileged 

Somos Mas Americanos


Exploring Linguistic Diversity through Literacy Narratives (pdf)

ASU - Literacy Narrative Assignment 

The Power of Literacy Narratives 

Digital Critical Literacy Narrative: Project Description

NCTE - Report on the NCTE Task Force on Critical Media Literacy

Additional Course Readings

Alexie, Sherman. Superman and Me

Brandt, Sponsors of Literacy

Digital Archives of Literacy Narratives

Reading for Generations

Reading Minus Writing: A Literacy Narrative

Douglass, Frederick. Learning to Read and Write

Fishman, Lesson from the Amish

Malcolm X, Learning to Read

Molina, Writing Myself

Scribner, Literacy in Three Metaphors

SLU Writing Program's Directory of Readings for 1500 & 1900 (Excel spreadsheet)

Tan, Amy. Mother Tongue

Textbook Recommendations

Dean, Discovering a Voice: Voice Lessons for Middle and High School 

Kennedy et al., The Bedford Reader

Lunsford et al., Everyone’s An Author

Macrorie, The I-Search Paper: Revised Edition of Searching Writing. Revised Edition.

Oxford Readers

Ramage et al., The Allyn & Bacon Guide to Writing

Shea et al., The Language of Composition: Essential Voices, Essential Skills for the AP Course

Strunk and White, Elements of Style (full text - Project Gutenberg)

V Series

Wardle and Downs, Writing about Writing 

ENGL 1900: Advanced Strategies for Rhetoric and Research

Syllabus Template

ENGL 1900

Course Guidelines

ENGL 1900 - Course Guidelines

Eloquentia Perfecta - Full Textbook (PDF)

ENGL 1900 Curriculum Outline

The following course outline is intended as an example of how instructors could structure an 1900 course. Instructors are encouraged to determine their own schedule of assignments and to use this sample as a guide. 

ENGL 1900 Curriculum Outline 

Sample ENGL 1900 Syllabi 

Monzyk - Spring 2023

Hines - Fall 2022 

Kovarik - Spring 2023


von der Linden - Yearlong 

Assignment Prompts, Rubrics, & Model Student Essays

Topic Proposal

Topic Proposal (Medical Humanities theme)

Topic Proposal Rubric

Dissoi Logoi

Dissoi Logoi 1

Dissoi Logoi 2


Dissoi Logoi Grading Rubric 

Sample Student Dissoi Logois

How Should the United States Handle Mexican Immigration? 

Use and Consequences of Alcohol

The Method of Least Harm: Proposed Solutions to the Cash Bail Dilemma 

Why does the United States not have a paid new parent leave?

Statement of Purpose

Statement of Purpose

Statement of Purpose (Technology, Media, and Rhetoric)

Statement of Purpose (Media Research)

Multimodal Project

Multimodal Project Prompt

Multimodal Project (Technology, Media, and Rhetoric)

Critical Infographic Prompt

Visual Media (Ad) Analysis & Development

Marketing Campaign

Photo Essay

Postmortem Podcast


Multimodal Project Grading Rubric 

Sample Student Multimodal Projects

Coming soon!

Sample Student Process Papers

Process Paper 1

Process Paper 2

Process Paper 3

Evaluation Argument

Evaluation Argument

Evaluation Argument (Technology, Media, and Rhetoric)

Textbook & Reading Recommendations

Directory of Readings for 1500 & 1900 (Excel spreadsheet) 

Clark, Praxis: A Brief Rhetoric

Praxis-Blog (articles)

Johnson-Eilola, Changing Writing: A Guide with Scenarios

Kennedy et al., The Bedford Reader

Lunsford and Ruszkiewicz, Everything’s An Argument

Nictora, Becoming Rhetorical 

Oxford Readers

Palmquist and Wallraff, Joining the Conversation: A Guide and Handbook for Writers 

Rivers et. al., Eloquentia Perfecta (Table of Contents)

Seyler, Read, Reason, Write 

Visualizing Information for Advocacy (open-source book) 

V Series

ENGL 2000-Level Literature Courses

Course Descriptions & Syllabi Templates

ENGL 2250 - Conflict, Social Justice and Literature  

This course introduces literary study within the context and theme of Cultural Conflict and Social  Justice. Through the reading of a wide variety of genres - including drama, poetry, and fiction - the  course engages students in literary ways of knowing. Methods include close reading, comparative  textual analysis, and argumentative writing.  

ENGL 2250

ENGL 2350 - Faith, Doubt and Literature

This course introduces literary study within the context and theme of Faith and Doubt. Through  the reading of a wide variety of genres - including drama, poetry, and fiction - this course engages  students in literary ways of knowing. Methods include close reading, comparative textual analysis,  and argumentative writing.  

ENGL 2350

ENGL 2450 - Nature, Ecology and Literature

This course introduces literary study within the context and theme of Nature and Ecology.  Through the reading of a wide variety of genres - including drama, poetry, and fiction - the course  engages students in literary ways of knowing. Methods include close reading, comparative textual  analysis, and argumentative writing.  

ENGL 2450

ENGL 2550 - Gender, Identity and Literature

This course introduces literary study within the context and theme of Gender and Identity.  Through the reading of a wide variety of genres - including drama, poetry, and fiction - the course  engages students in literary ways of knowing. Methods include close reading, comparative textual  analysis, and argumentative writing.  

ENGL 2550

ENGL 2650 - Technology, Media and Literature

This course introduces literary study within the context and theme of Technology and Media.  Through the reading of a wide variety of genres - including drama, poetry, and fiction - the course  engages students in literary ways of knowing. Methods include close reading, comparative textual  analysis, and argumentative writing. 

ENGL 2650

ENGL 2750 - Film, Culture and Literature

This course introduces literary study within the context and theme of Film and Culture. Through  the reading of a wide variety of genres - including drama, poetry, and fiction - the course engages  students in literary ways of knowing. Methods include close reading, comparative textual analysis,  and argumentative writing.  

ENGL 2750

Additional Guidelines for ENGL 2750 

ENGL 2850 - Nation, Identity and Literature

This course introduces literary study within the context and theme of Nation and Identity.  Through the reading of a wide variety of genres - including drama, poetry, and fiction - the course  engages students in literary ways of knowing. Methods include close reading, comparative textual  analysis, and argumentative writing.  

ENGL 2850

Guidelines for Instructors  

Reading and Interpretive Practices:

Writing and Cognitive Practices:

Students will have the opportunity to write in both formative and summative modes: they will be

able to practice their critical writing, with formative feedback, and they will also be expected to

write high-caliber critical essays or creative responses that keep to word limits. They will:

Literary Analysis (Required Common Assignment)

You are welcome to use any of the materials below but are encouraged to make the assignment your own and unique to your class.

Literary Analysis Template 

Literary Analysis Grading Rubric 

Sample Literary Analysis Prompt & Assignment 

Sample Student Literary Analyses

ENGL 2250 - Hemingway and Defining Masculinity

ENGL 2250 - Wicked (Feminist Approach)

Sample Syllabi 

ENGL 2250

ENGL 2350

ENGL 2450

ENGL 2550

ENGL 2650

ENGL 2750

ENGL 2850

Classroom Visits

What to Expect at a 1818 Site Visit: A short PowerPoint with basic information on what to expect during a typical site visit. 

*Updated for AY23-24* - Classroom Visit Form: The form your faculty liaison will fill out and send to you (via JotForm) after your classroom visit.


No assessment artifacts (common assignments) will be collected for Fall 2023. 

Collection of the common assignments for ENGL 1500 (Critical Literacy Narrative) and ENGL 1900 (Dissoi Logoi) will resume in Spring 2024. More information will be provided as soon as it becomes available. 

The literary analysis essays, the common assignment for all 2000-level literature classes, are not slated to be collected for now. Any changes will be communicated to provide ample time for collection. 

Thank you so much for your patience as we update how we collect these papers for assessment. By refining this process, we hope to have even more quantifiable data than before on the quality and academic rigor of 1818 students' work, which has previously always exceeded expectations. 

This high-level of student work would not be possible, of course, if not for your exceptional and dedicated instruction to your students. Thank you!

Professional Development

Summer 2024

July 30 - English PD in the afternoon during the 1818 Summer Connection Conference. More information will be made available soon!

Fall 2023


*Unfortunately, we did not get a recording of the Teaching 2750: Film, Culture and Literature panel. Please see the presentation materials below.

Presentation Materials

Welcome remarks (Dr. Nathaniel Rivers, SLU Writing Program)

Teaching 2750: Film, Culture and Literature

Best Practices: Teaching Themed 2000-Level Literature courses

Banned Books Discussion 

Designing Multimodal Writing Assignments

Archives - Past Professional Development 

Fall 2021

Fall 2020

Breakout Sessions

Fall 2019

Fall 2018

Fall 2017

Teaching Resources for English 

Saint Louis University Links

1818 Program Links

Teaching Dual Credit

General Teaching Resources

Articles on Teaching and Pedagogy

Projects & Assignments: Literature

Projects & Assignments: Writing

Rhetorical Readings

Libraries and Online Archives

Student Engagement

Other Resources