Netti Wulfman, Maggie Zuniga, Kaylie Hall to star in virtual Zoom play
NOV 20, 2020

Natalie Margolin's 2020 play The Party Hop, set entirely during Zoom calls, is coming to the SLOHS Theatre this winter!
The original cast of The Party Hop, including Ben Platt and Beanie Feldstein (YouTube)
SLOHS Drama Club's planned adaptation of The Party Hop, a virtual comedy play by Natalie Margolin, was reported in early autumn 2020, but has faced delays due to the obtainment of performance rights. Auditions were finally announced on November 11, and after three days of virtual tryouts, the long-awaited cast list dropped this Friday on the Drama Club's Instagram.

San Luis Obispo High School's first-ever virtual play will star newcomer Netti Wulfman, an actor and stage manager from Northern California, as well as Drama Club veterans Maggie Zuniga and Kaylie Hall. Other notable castings include Allison Ryan, Ava Walsh, Jayda Monreal, and Elias Stepro. The play, which is set three years into the coronavirus pandemic quarantine, centers around three college students whose social lives reside on the screen. Out "party hopping" between Zoom calls on a Saturday night, the group goes on a mission to get protagonist Ava (Wulfman) her first kiss. After Friday's cast release, full company rehearsals will begin on Thursday, December 3, and will continue until early February.

The show, directed by Drama adviser Noelle Eben, will run from February 11–13, livestreamed directly from Zoom. Additional crew include costuming by Wulfman and Zuniga, music by Monreal, and marketing by Flannery Clausen.