The Cause


Our topic focuses on the economic inability of low income families to access healthy foods such as organic fruits and vegetables and sustainably raised meat and dairy products. We also have focused on how this inability drives families to fast and affordable fast food chains that are high in saturated and trans fats, sugars, and sodium. Our overarching question: Why are low income families unable to afford the "luxuries" for healthy food and what can we do to help?


Recently, we have noticed that unhealthy foods, like a bag of chips, is a lot cheaper than a healthier option, like a bag of apples and we felt compelled to bring attention to the problem. In fact, a study shows that unhealthy food is about $1.50 a day, which adds up to $550 a year. We also noted the difference in accessibility for low income families when it comes to providing meals. We, as high schoolers at a low income title 1 school that participates in the National Free Breakfast and Free Lunch program knew that families were affected by these economic issues. We wanted to investigate the issue by talking to experts and youth to see their reaction.


We have created a campaign through the San Leandro High School Academy of Multimedia (SLAM). Here we have created a website, a documentary, compelling graphics, surveys, and a Twitter account! We also have learned a lot through the process and have become more conscious consumers when buying into companies that profit off low-income American's disparities.