
Explosive: A Minecraft Animation

For Cinema 4D, we got to make any type of animation we wanted as we learned how to use textures and color in Cinema 4D and then learned how to animate. I learned a lot such as how to render on Cinema 4D and how to use null objects.

For this animation, I decided to create a simple animation where a Creeper walks up to a tree and blows it up. The explosion effect was purposely bad but I hope y'all enjoy it! The music and visuals are from Minecraft but the actual animation was done by me.

School Virtues Meme Assignment: a bird meme

At San Leandro High School, one of our school virtues is to "Discipline yourself so no one else has to" and "Stay calm at all times". Using these virtues, I decided to make a simple meme in Photoshop featuring 2 birds freaking out over the school virtues by screeching, etc.

I find it a little funny because the virtues say to stay calm at all times and the birds are freaking out.

Julio Martinez: My Brand New Logo

In Multimedia today, we had a typography lesson by a special guest Julio Martinez. We learned some aspects of typography and how to design with letters. We then went to our computers and opened up a file to design a logo with just letters. I decided to make my logo stand for Number Juan and made that.

I had another logo design but I didn't like it too much so I just used this logo instead. I wonder what else I can do with this logo design.

and no this does not stand for new jersey lol i didn't even know when i started aha

Solar Pizza: Shapes in Adobe Illustrator

Today, I followed a lovely tutorial on how to make a pizza. I followed the tutorial and learned how to make shapes and use certain tools.

I decided to take a spin on the pizza as I was making it and color the toppings on the pizza to make it look like it was a space pizza. I also changed the lettering under to say Solar instead of Side Slice like the tutorial said so to better fit the theme of a space pizza.

I loved using Adobe Illustrator to make this pizza and I can't wait to utilize these tools in the future to make future designs and do more projects.

McHappy Town: Adobe Illustrator Assignment

Today was my first assignment in Adobe Illustrator! It looks a lot like Photoshop in a way but it has a bunch more exciting tools for me to play around with.

I made this town using the shape tools to build a little town! On the left, you can see a McDonalds. On the right, you can see a billboard that says hi on it with a smiley face! :) And finally in the middle, you see a little apartment building.

I hated using the triangle tool as it was kinda awkward to access but I hope I become more fluent with it in the future.

Typography in Photoshop: Basics

Today I had my first lesson with Typography in Photoshop!

It was rather difficult getting all of the fonts but I managed to find some regardless. I learned how to create words with different Leading and Tracking.

I also learned what Serif and Sans Serif means! Serif means the wings sticking out of the letters and Sans Serif means the font doesn't have Serif!

Watching the tutorial on this project taught me how important Typography is in presenting media and making your projects look absolutely stunning. I hope one day, I can learn how to use Typography to my advantage and make something absolutely stunning.

The Great American West: Graphic Design Basics

Today in Photoshop, I had a lot of fun following a tutorial to create this lovely image you see right here! I learned how to use the masking tool as well as use the gradient tool to create the fading sun you see in the background.

I also learned how to add strokes and effects to texts to make it stand out. I really like the Georgia Bold font because it appears great for titles and looks very professional. :)

I found it interesting using the masking tool to replace the whole sky with another sky using the masking tool so I hope I do something with the masking tool soon.

Lights, Camera, Photoshop: Magnetic Lasso Tool

In Photoshop today, I went in with this photo of a camera and selected it using the Magnetic Lasso Tool to cut it out and apply a filter to the background.

I learned how to use the Command + J shortcut and I also learned how to use the other shortcut keys to change the contrast and frequency as I'm working.

I also learned how to use the filter gallery, something I hope to utilize more in the future as it is a lot of fun to experiment with.

Doggo in Space: The Quick Selection Tool

Before and After

Today, I made an attempt at using the Quick Selection Tool within Photoshop. I took an image of a dog I found on the internet and decided to cut it out using this tool.

Things were kinda tricky as the dog is white and it is on top of a white floor, making it hard to select. I used the eraser tool to delete part of the floor that I did not desire. If I ever do this again, I definitely wanna try using a different image, so I can get full use out of this tool.

My friend gave me an idea as to what dog to use so I have no idea who's dog this is. He/she is really cute though and I always wanted a dog like this.

Some Randomness: My Collage

Today, I was assigned to make a collage using 10 images to use in the image. I decided to make a background by using 5 random images and blending them together.

Then, I got 10 images which were a duck, a violin, a piano, some bacon, my phone, pictures of my friends, oranges, soda, my earbuds, and a raincloud! I chose these images because all of these images represent me or an interest I have in some way.

I purposely made this a mess because I feel like my thoughts are a mess a lot of the time as I overthink things a lot.

Ms. Farley: Queen Squirrel

This time, we see Ms. Farley surrounded by squirrels. Using the Clone stamp tool in Adobe Photoshop, I cloned a bunch of squirrels to look like an army of squirrels being commanded by Ms. Farley.

The leader of all the squirrels is on Ms. Farley's shoulder, commanding the other squirrels on what their next attack plan is.

Now that I know how to use the Clone stamp tool in Photoshop, I can't wait to make some funny edits of pictures that I take of my friends.

The Orange Garden: My First Composite

Today in Photoshop, I used the eraser tool to help put me inside this orange garden. I learned how to use the eraser tool and how to blend in with the colors around me using adjustments.

Making this was rather fun for me as I like oranges a lot. I'm excited to see what else I can do within Photoshop.