Rebel Theater Group

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Do you have a flair for the dramatic? Do you want to learn how a show operates backstage? Whether you'd prefer to be onstage or behind the scenes, there's a place for you in the South Kingstown Rebel Theater Group! This theatrical group puts on one large play and several smaller plays each year.

In the fall, the Rebel Theater Group usually collaborates with the Contemporary Theater Company (right on Main Street!) in a show called Testing Testing 123! The students perform short plays under the direction of members of the CTC, and the final performance takes place on their main stage.

For more information about the CTC, check out their website at .

The main play is traditionally a musical that includes the South Kingstown Pit Orchestra, an elite group of instrumentalists (it can be strings, brass, wind, and percussion players, but it depends on what the show calls for) that work with the actors and actresses to execute stunning musical sequences!

Spring shows vary each year. Sometimes they are sets of short plays, and other times they are longer straight plays like the show Almost Maine. If you're curious about what's going on this spring in Rebel Theater Group, you could try reaching out to our theater director, Ryan Muir, at

Plays that the Rebel Theater Group has performed in the past include:

Keep up with the Rebel Theater Group by following our Instagram account: rebeltheatergroup.

You can buy tickets at