Communication Practice

One key step of learning a language is learning common phrases in your target language. You can learn a lot about a country's culture when you learn basic phrases and common words: the following resources are a great place to start!

Utilizing Applications


Interested in finding a conversation partner in your target language? You can find a speaking/writing buddy to practice using your target language with HelloTalk: available on both iOS and Android!


DuoLingo allows you choose your target language and learn common words and basic phrases in that language, for free! They also have group functions where you can join a "club" with users learning the same language as you.


TripLingo is an app that allows you to brush up on basic phrases and words right before you head off to your trip to a foreign country (after COVID, of course)! This app also includes safety and travel tools, a culture guide, and has a built-in Wi-Fi dialer.

Practice Guides

Trying to learn common phrases and basic words for your target language, but find yourself confused? Here are some guides to help you get started: