Welcome Librarians!

On this site, you will find a variety of free resources for learning foreign languages, including how to set up meetings or book clubs for language practice. Please tailor them to the needs of your own community.

The site is written in English and is intended to help English speakers who want to learn other languages. You may want to consider offering this site to your own community in a different language. Maybe you have ESL learners in your community that need resources to help them build their English skills? We encourage you to use this as a template to customize with resources and language(s) that will best serve your language learning community!

While this section is intended to provide a general guide for how to encourage people to use resources, it is always a good idea to share and find local resources as well. Does the local college provide conversational tables? Are there events where people can practice with native speakers? Are there classes being offered within your community? These are just a few things to keep in mind when providing information to your community.

Table of Contents