
This Invention page highlights an important aspect of the the design thinking model in which the Digital Learner Leader along with co-teachers guides students inventing a method, product, solution, etc. to improve circumstances or solve conflicts. Below are virtual resources that highlight unit plans that promote the design thinking model and possible inventions (or the implement stage of the design thinking model below).

Consent Design Thinking Website

This website features a Design Thinking lesson is designed as a virtual format. The lesson is co-taught by classroom teacher and a teacher librarian (digital leader) whose serve as mentors to students who are "in charge" of their own learning. In addition, due to to the possible sensitive nature of the "consent" topic a school counselor/school social worker will be involved in planning and implementing the design thinking lesson. All parts of the lesson can be adapted for an in person lesson. The propose of this lesson to teach students about consent and solve a potential problem of the lack of content in educational environments using a Design Thinking Model. Using the design thinking process and a completely online model, teacher and librarian will co-teach a lesson on consent to 5th graders. In addition, a school counselor/school social worker can be involved in planning and implementing the design thinking lesson. The students will be challenged to invent, create, and teach an online game for 3rd graders that teaches the younger group about consent. Students will then conduct a Big Think and evaluate their work and analyze the design thinking process.

Cardboard Box Adventure

In this video I invite student to be inventive with everyday materials they have around the house like cardboard boxes!

How creative can you be!