
Test is the step of the design process where you put your prototype to use by actual users. Once you put it in front of users, you record the feedback and figure out ways from this feedback to make your design better.

At this stage, students will test the solution they've designed for their problem. They will observe and measure its success and, if need be, locate what can be improved, what was successful and what wasn't.

Learning Activities:

    • Step 7: Implement the new system if possible. Celebrate success and challenges overcome.

1. Once students have determined the solution is successful, students plan how to implement the new design. Students will need the approval of all those affected by the implementation. Students record their plan in their logs.

2. Students will put their plan into action.

3. Once implementation is successful, students will need to document the implementation by providing visual or written evidence.

4. Throughout this step, both mentors will be available to provide feedback and ensure approvals have been submitted.

  • Step 8: Culmination of the implementation: Develop a culminating experience. This could include some sort of exhibition of the projects, but if students have kept logs, it should be a compare/contrast about the process of design thinking.

1. The culmination of the implementation will be to compare/contrast the process of design thinking. Students will be asked to share their blogs. Students will then prepare for a discussion by viewing other groups’ blogs and thinking about the following questions:

a. What was the same in how each group went through the design process? What was different?

b. How was the design process beneficial? How was the design process a detriment?

c. How do you feel about the design process?

d. What do you think you learned from the experience?

2. Once students have viewed other students’ blogs, students will gather in a group online session and discuss the design process using the above questions as jumping off points.

Evaluate (Big Think): After students have tested their prototype, they will gather in their groups and discussed what worked and what didn't. They will then research further and discuss their problem with students not from their group to gain further insight and ideas that they may not have gotten in their original groups, while also helping other students with their problems. Students will then make the necessary adjustments, corrections and changes and test their prototype again. Afterword, teachers will ask students how they would use design thinking in the future.