Mrs. Gasiorowski

Welcome to one of the most incredible years your child will have in his/her school career! First grade is an exciting time as children embark upon new adventures in the world of learning. This is a year of important transitions as well as one in which acquisition of new skills is accelerated. First graders develop fundamental work habits, appropriate social behavior, problem solving techniques, decision making skills, and of course academic awareness.

These concepts and skills provide the educational foundation to build upon as we continue to nurture life-long learners. I strive to create a classroom where respect and concern for each other is a priority. I provide opportunities for the students to practice Christ-like behavior on a daily basis. The students know what is expected of them, and they know their actions are choices that have outcomes.

First graders are enthusiastic and they enjoy learning - new places, new ideas, and new bits of information. They experience rapid changes in their growth and development. They want to be independent and yet are a little anxious as they explore new ways of learning. In their spontaneous manner, they learn about the world around them and begin to make sense of socializing through new friendships and discovering their own interests.

Our classroom has a safe environment in which children can begin to practice life-long coping skills. I encourage students to accept responsibility for working in different situations. They begin the year by pairing and sharing, and eventually graduate to cooperative learning groups. The students are grouped in different ways for a variety of learning experiences, always with an expectation of respect for each other. They are also aware that they are accountable for demonstrating individual thinking skills.

A reoccurring theme in first grade has made itself apparent: we are all growing and learning at our own rate. It is important to understand the similarities among us and celebrate the differences among us. This allows students to share and appreciate each other's gifts while promoting an atmosphere of acceptance.