
As part of our pilot year and included in our Year 1 report, St. John Fisher University set key process and performance indicators by which we would judge our own success if the iFisher Next Generation Learning Initiative were to move forward. Now, two years into the initiative, we are reflecting on these goals and are happy to report our successes.

Key Process Indicators

100% of undergraduate students using iPads to enhance their learning experience within the first year of full implementation.

Completed All undergraduate students are now using iPads across their courses.

100% of graduate students in participating programs using iPads to enhance their learning within 2 years.*

In Progress First-Year Pharmacy graduate students have received iPads, and the next entering class will as well in the fall 2022 semester. Additional graduate programs are exploring the use of iPads in the future as well.

70% of faculty utilizing iPads in the teaching strategies within 2 years.

Completed We've surpassed the faculty utilization goal with over 80% of full-time faculty utilizing iPads in both the fall and spring semesters.

100% of classrooms enabled for Airplay sharing capability within 2 years of the project launch.

Completed 100% of classroom spaces were enabled for Airplay sharing by the end of the summer of 2020.

100% of recruitment events include the presence of iPad technology within 2 years.

Completed All our major undergraduate recruitment events now include the presence of iPad technology.

75% of communication (in-person or electronic) with prospective students and parents including the topic of the iFisher initiative within 2 years.

Completed All core prospective student and parent communications now include the topic of the iFisher initiative.

Key Performance Indicators

• An increase in the number of applications to Fisher based on interest in the iFisher initiative.*

Completed With the iFisher initiative only impacting one full recruitment cycle, we are still monitoring the impact of the iFisher initiative on applications and decisions to attend. Interestingly, Fisher has seen a higher yield this year than in years past with more accepted students choosing to attend Fisher. This is, at least in part, due to the iFisher initiative and students' interest in it.

• Increased retention rates and achievement of student learning outcomes.*

In Progress Wrapping up our first year with full student deployment, we are still monitoring the effect of the initiative on retention and student learning outcomes. We will be monitoring this as it relates to our work to promote increased use of active learning, expansion of OER use, and overall student success initiatives that the iPads help to facilitate.

• Cost-saving related to printing, transition to eTextbooks, software and hardware needs on campus.*

Completed Campus-wide printing has gone down by 78% when comparing the 2021/2022 academic year to the 2018/2019 academic year (pre-covid). This is at least in part due to the easy access by students to electronic materials via the iPads and faculty's transition to sharing electronic course materials. Similarly, sales of digital eTextbooks via the Bookstore went from 1.45% of overall sales in 2018/2019 to 9.65% in the 2021/2022 academic year.

• 3 Fisher faculty to become Apple Distinguished Educators within 5 years.

In Progress A small group of Fisher faculty are monitoring the Apple Distinguished Educator program closely waiting for the next round of applications to be announced.

• St. John Fisher University to become an Apple Distinguished School in 5 years.

Fingers Crossed We are hopeful that St. John Fisher University will soon become an Apple Distinguished School.

*this is a metric that is potentially impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic and one we will be continually monitoring in the years ahead.

10% for Tech: Failing Forward

Dr. Katrina Arndt, professor in the Ralph C. Wilson, Jr. School of Education, shared her thoughts on the incorporation of technology into her own professional development and course design. She adopts the philosophy of failing forward in her own use of technology in her classes and promotes this same mentality to her pre-service teachers so they can develop a growth mindset towards the adoption of technology into their own teaching practices.