Central CREEC 

California Environmental Literacy Project (CELP)

Program Overview

The Central CREEC CELP is a program designed to support a community of practice consisting of county office of education leads and teacher leaders from each of the 19 counties included in the Central CREEC (California Regional Environmental Education Community) region.  During this project the participants will explore, collaborate, share and learn about many environmental literacy topics such as, environmental justice, climate change, biomimicry, integrating the environmental principles and concepts (EP&Cs) into NGSS and HSS, and much much more!

The Central CREEC California Environmental Literacy Project consists of three core elements to create a Community of Practice for Environmental Literacy  

Core 1

Promote and Enhance Environmental Literacy

Teacher Leaders will work with their COE Lead to implement their county specific environmental literacy impact plan, and share out resources and professional learning that supports the development of environment literacy with educators and students in their county.  


Core 2

Central CREEC CELP Conference for Environmental Literacy

Teacher Leaders and COE Leads will participate in several days of preparation and facilitation of an integrated environmental literacy and NGSS workshop at the virtual Central CELP Conference.

Teacher Leaders will receive Stipends for attending the planning meetings, preparing for, presenting at and recruiting participants for the Central CELP Conference on March 2nd, 2024.

Core 3

Summer Intensive Institute for Environmental Literacy

Teacher Leaders and COE Leads will attend a 5 day summer intensive institute of immersive learning to support environmental literacy and teacher leadership at the Sky Mountain Outdoor Education Center.

Teacher Leaders will receive an additional Stipend for attending the entire summer institute.  Summer Institute dates June, 25-27, 2024.

Central CREEC California Environmental Literacy Project Leads

Tamara Basepayne

San Joaquin County Office of Education


Jennifer Mutch

Santa Clara County Office of Education


Amity Sandage

Santa Cruz County Office of Education


Central CREEC California Environmental Literacy Project Funding

Funding for this work is provided by

An Environmental Education Grant from the California Department of Education through the California Regional Environmental Education Community (CREEC) Network Program.  To Learn more about the CREEC Network Program, visit www.creec.org

Central CREEC California Environmental Literacy Project Community Partners

John Muirs Laws

Santa Cruz County Outdoor Science School (SCCOSS)

Delta Sierra Science Project (DSSP)

Monterey Bay Science Project & Monterey Bay Area Math Project

Water Education Foundation - California's Project Wet

California Department of Water Resources (DWR)

California Department of Fish and Wildlife (CDFW)

Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (LLNL)

California Science Project

Biomimicry Institute