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Michelstadt, Baal Shem of Michelstadt, Cemetery Michelstadt

Michelstadt, Baal Shem of Michelstadt, Cemetery Michelstadt (to the page)

Rabbi Jizchok Arje, Isac Löw Matthes Wormser

Tour begins with pick up at Frankfurt Airport and ends there as well.

Duration: About 3 hrs.

Arrival and departure times will be considered: Leave from terminal 40 minutes upon landing in Frankfurt and arrive to terminal latest 2 hrs before connection flight.

Tour includes: Visit to the Jewish cemetery in Michelstadt where the Zadik Rabbi Zakel Leib Wormser lays, the Baal Shem of Michelstadt. Michelstadt is 65min slow drive from the airport through small villages, green valleys and beautiful landscapes. The cemetery is located at the town’s entrance and lays inside a small wood close by the swimming pool and the towns sports fields. The grave is open to public 24hrs a day all year long. Next to the grave candles and matches are provided free of cost. At the entrance to the cemetery, you will find clean and well-kept sanitary facilities thanks to the local authorities.

Note: In order to enter the toilets, you must enter a code on the panel in front of the door (Jewish current year in digits) to prevent misuse by foreigners.

Place is calm and quiet in spite of being close by the local swimming pool.

Provided time allows, it is possible to arrange a tour to the center of the beautiful township and visit to the local Synagogue.

driving from all over... to all over... Michelstadt, Worms, Frankfurt, Mainz, Friedberg, Karlsruhe, Hamburg, Speyer Tel: +4917620845707

Worms Cemetery - Rashi Synagoge - Juden Gasse

Cemetery Worms - Rashi Synagogue - Juden Gasse (to the page)

Tour begins with pick up at Frankfurt Airport and ends there as well.

Duration: About 3 hrs.

Arrival and departure times will be considered: Leave from terminal 40 minutes upon landing in Frankfurt and arrive to terminal latest 2 hrs before connection flight.

Tour includes: Visit to the Jewish cemetery in Worms where the Zaddikim: Rabbi Yair Haim Bachrach author of “Chavot Yair”, Rabi Meir of Rothenburg “Hamaharam of Rothenburg”, Rabi Ya’acov Halevi Molin Segal “Maharil”, Rabi Eliyahu Ba’al Shem, Rabi Shimshon Bachrach, author of “Chut Hashani” and Rabi Eliyahu Ashkenasi Luance “Rabbi Eliyahu Ba’al shem” and more…

From there we continue to the Rashi Shul and the Mikve.

The German Highway (Autobahn) allows a quick arrival to Worms. Within 50 min crossing the Rhine river we are facing the huge fortress overseeing the town.

Quick viewers will catch the Israeli flag on the sign at the right side stating that Worms and Tiberius are twin towns.

The cemetery lays close by the main train station. The graves of the righteous are separated only a few minutes apart from each other. The Jewish cemetery in Worms is the oldest Jewish graveyard in Europe. For your attention: Graveyard is closing its gates upon down. However, for a few dollars and a kind request the old lady living adjacent to the cemetery will allow entering the front part of the cemetery at later hours.

From the cemetery we drive to the “Judengasse”, the former Jewish Ghetto.

Today, apart from the “Rashi” building, there is no trace of Jewish life in the Ghetto.

driving from all over... to all over... Michelstadt, Worms, Frankfurt, Mainz, Friedberg, Karlsruhe, Hamburg, Speyer Tel: +4917620845707

Zadikim Tours

Zadikim Tours in Europe driving from all over... to all over...

Tours to the Graves of zadikim in Germany and all over Europe

Michelstadt, Worms, Mainz, Frankfurt, Friedberg, Karlsruhe, Hamburg, Speyer

Stopover Frankfurt? Tel. +4917620845707 (English, German, Hebrew)

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