
The old jewish cemetery in Tachov

The old jewish cemetery in Tachov  (Map)

Rabbi Nachum ben R´ Josef Sofer

"Horav Nochum Ben Rav Yosef Sofer from the City of Tochuv was niftar on the

First of Iyar 5577 and promised: Mishnayos for the elevation of his soul on the

day of his passing - he would do his utmost to do whatever good he can for

him in the 'Olom Ho'emes."

Stopover frankfurt? Tours to the Graves of zadikim in Germany

Stopover frankfurt? Tours to the Graves of zadikim in Germany,

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קברי צדיקים בגרמניה – הסעות וטיולים בכל רחבי אירופה

 Touring and Driving in Germany and all over Europe Michelstadt, Worms, Frankfurt, Mainz, Friedberg, Karlsruhe, Hamburg, Speyer and all over Europe. Tel. +4917620845707 Yoram Inbar

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 Yoram Inbar +4917620845707

Jewish driver in Frankfurt